IPMA-USA has chartered an independent certification body that operates in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17024:2012, Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons.
IPMA-USA has chartered an independent certification body that operates in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17024:2012, Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons.
IPMA has a database of certified individuals, that we update quarterly. Go to http://ipma.world/certification/certify-individuals/search-certified-pms/. Enter the first or last name of the person you are seeking. If you see more than 10 people with the same name, try entering the rest of the name, or the certification level of the person you seek.
Every assessment decision requires agreement from two independent assessors who are both skilled project, program, or portfolio managers as well as trained assessors. The assessors operate under a detailed set of regulations and guidelines that covers everything from how to score a candidate’s evidence to how to prepare for a video assessment.
We are the USA Member Association of IPMA and the exclusive provider of IPMA’s Four-Level-Certification (4-L-C) System in the USA.
The International Project Management Association (IPMA) is a federation of over 60 national project management associations. IPMA provides global recognition while IPMA-USA provides local flavor. (see the list of global certification bodies at IPMA’s website)
The IPMA certification program extends beyond testing of short-term knowledge to use professional assessors to evaluate the competence of the individual. The competences we evaluate go beyond technical areas like cost, time, and risk to include soft skills such as leadership, self-management, and integirty. We also evaluate each candidate’s understanding of the context of their work such as strategic fit, governance, and culture.
Most other P3M certification programs have little to do with the specific roles you play. Our levels correspond to the specific requirements of specific roles. Our certifications correlate to the roles you actually fill in your organization’s projects, programs, and portfolios … including an entry-level, exam-based certification for newcomers and practitioners in other disciplines.
* By aligning with IPMA-USA’s competence-based approach to improving project performance.
* By joining IPMA-USA and working with our members to apply IPMA’s Individual Competence Baseline (ICB4) foundation, not only for certification but for Talent Development and improved performance.
Yes, contact us.
Because our Assessors can plan a block of time to work with a group over a period of several days. Assessor travel, if required, is additional and is billed at cost.
We use our Management Complexity Ratings tool to evaluate the management complexity of each candidate’s work. You self-rate your work as part of your preparation, and then our Assessors verify those ratings.
Group applications can include candidates for all levels.
Recertification is the responsibility of the individual who has been certified and will take place in accordance with standard Certification practices.
Candidate travel, if required, is the responsibility of the candidate.
We use our Management Complexity Ratings tool to evaluate the management complexity of each candidate’s work. You self-rate your work as part of your preparation, and then our Assessors verify those ratings.
You can save some money and make some new friends by organizing a group of at least 5 candidates. Contact us for more information on this option.
You can save some money and make some new friends by organizing a group of at least 5 candidates for the exam. Contact us for more information on this option. |
IPMA-USA has chartered an independent certification body that operates in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17024:2012, Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons.
IPMA has a database of certified individuals, that we update quarterly. Go to http://ipma.world/certification/certify-individuals/search-certified-pms/. Enter the first or last name of the person you are seeking. If you see more than 10 people with the same name, try entering the rest of the name, or the certification level of the person you seek.
Every assessment decision requires agreement from two independent assessors who are both skilled project, program, or portfolio managers as well as trained assessors. The assessors operate under a detailed set of regulations and guidelines that covers everything from how to score a candidate’s evidence to how to prepare for a video assessment.
Professionals and students interested in project management between ages 18-35 who currently reside in the United States of America can join Young Crew USA.
Go to the Young Crew page of our website and click “Join Young Crew” – you will be connected with our Young Crew Board and added to the Young Crew community!
You need to be a member of IPMA-USA to join Young Crew so make sure you sign up for a student or professional membership.
Young Crew membership is based on where you currently live. No matter where you are from, if you currently live in the United States of America and are under 35 you can join Young Crew USA.
If you live in another country, consider joining the Young Crew in the country you reside in – every Member Association that is a part of IPMA has a Young Crew, so you can still participate local to you!
No – Young crew is not a type of membership, it is a service offered to IPMA members. There is no additional fee to be a part of Young Crew USA.