IPMA USA is a non-profit professional association for project management. The professional association makes a significant contribution to the professionalization and further development of project management in the USA and offers extensive opportunities for training and further education as well as certification in project management.
Working with our members and collaborating with business, government, and other professional associations, we provide the leadership needed for both professional growth and the competent practice of project management.
Our Mission: Service and Empowerment. IPMA-USA is advancing project management by being a force multiplier for organizations to scale up their project effectiveness, and by teaching people from all parts of society the skills of project management. This applies to business as well as to society, culture, sport – in short, to everyday life. We want to enable people to work with others to implement their innovative ideas in all areas of life.
We offer a full suite of programs including Training, Certification, Research, Awards, Events, Special Interest Groups, Publications, and a Special Track for Young Professionals.
1 January 2016 – Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA – ASAPM President Joel Carboni announced today that ASAPM has now completed its re-branding as IPMA-USA.
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CertificationFour Level Certification,
Competence Based
TrainingFrom bootcamps to executive workshops
AwardsIndividual, Project ad Organization Based
EventsGlobal and US based conferences and forums
NetworkingPeer-to-peer and employer- based forums
Young CrewDevelopment for students and young professionals
PublicationsHundreds of research and practitioner-based reading
Work GroupsRoll up your sleeves and get busy on new ideas