
IPMA-USA membership connects you to the international project management community and facilitates sharing of the most innovative research, practices, and leaders from around the globe.


Select the appropriate Membership type from the options listed below. All Memberships are valid for 1 year.


If you are a skilled, experienced and ethical Project Management professional looking to enhance your profile and career potential. Connect with practitioners across the industries, expand your network, and get recognized. Professional Membership


If you are enrolled in an accredited school of higher education, and taking at least two courses or the equivalent each term, and interested in pursuing project management as a career choice, and cruise your way from classroom to career. Student Membership


As a Fellow IPMA USA Member, you’ll receive the recognition and a platform for extending your influence as a thought leader and for giving back to the industry with opportunities for international standards formation/review, mentoring, conferences and more. Fellow Membership
Reward the professionalism of your team, define and accelerate career paths, and recognise your organization's commitment to advancing Project Management
Corporate Membership Please contact IPMA USA for further details on how to become a Corporate Member and to discuss the options and benefits of Corporate Membership