Project Management Certification

The assessment steps for individuals are applied to each of the IPMA competence level A, level B, level C and level D. When candidates meet the competence requirements, they can apply directly for the desired Level. You do not need to start at level D and move your way up to C and B and A!

Certified Projects Director (Level A)

An individual with clear and convincing evidence of competent performance managing very complex projects, programs, or portfolios at a strategic level.

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Certified Senior Project Manager (Level B)

An individual with clear and convincing evidence of competent performance managing complex projects, programs, or portfolios.

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Certified Project Manager (Level C)

An individual with clear and convincing evidence of competent performance managing projects of moderate management complexity.

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Certified Project Management Associate (Level D)

Individual with clear and convincing evidence of their knowledge of the theory and practice of project management.

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We are a the IPMA Member Association for the United States.
Working with our members and collaborating with business, government, and other professional associations, we provide the leadership needed for both professional growth and the competent practice of project management.

Our Mission: Service and Empowerment. IPMA-USA is advancing project management by being a force multiplier for organizations to scale up their project effectiveness, and by teaching people from all parts of society the skills of project management. This applies to business as well as to society, culture, sport – in short, to everyday life. We want to enable people to work with others to implement their innovative ideas in all areas of life.

We offer a full suite of programs including Training, Certification, Research, Awards, Events, Special Interest Groups, Publications, and a Special Track for Young Professionals.

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IPMA-USA is the United States member association of IPMA, the International Project Management Association. Thus, our members are also automatically members of IPMA.

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Reasons to Join Today

If you are an individual wanting to improve your competences as project manager, program manager, or portfolio manager, or as trainer, consultant or coach, you have come to the right place.

Here, you will find information regarding IPMA’s certification schemes and information about international recognition as well as information regarding our products and services for the talented people rather new to our profession. Let us help you in your journey towards becoming or developing your competences as professional project, portfolio or program manager.

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Competency based training focuses on behaviors and tools instead of memorization and regurgitation. Our Accredited Training Partners will expertly train you in the IPMA approach to leading complex projects.

Whether you are new to project management or looking to become a recognized expert, our partner training programs can help advance your career.

  • Why train?IPMA-USA has been transforming the way the world approaches projects for more than 25 years. As the organization that put project management on the map, we made it real, we made it relevant, and we’ve been the global leaders ever since.

  • Become a REG Certified PartnerBecome a certified partner, accredited by IPMA Global and IPMA USA, you will be recognized as an assured provider of exceptional service, who has been benchmarked against rigorous standards.

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