International project management ASSOCIATION - USA
Interested in PRoject Management as a career?
| CertificationWhile the IPMA manages the 4-level (4LC) certification scheme for individuals, the Certification Bodies of the IPMA Member Associations are responsible for the individual assessments and certification. The certification process involves several steps for the assessment of a candidate and is described in detail in the International Certification Regulations (ICR), which you can download at the bottom of the page. Here we present an overview. The assessment steps for individuals are applied to each of the IPMA competence level A, level B, level C and level D. When candidates meet the competence requirements, they can apply directly for the desired Level. You do not need to start at level D and move your way up to C and B and A! Click here to follow through to the certification landing site. | IPMA YOUNG CREWJOINING IPMA YOUNG CREW IS THE BEST CAREER MOVE A YOUNG PROJECT MANAGER CAN MAKE!Young Crew is a key component of IPMA’s growth and development of the leaders of tomorrow. We are the premier global network for young professionals enthusiastic about project management, a platform for young project management professionals and students up to the age of 35. Join as a member or student member and select the Young Crew option to get started. Be a dauntless PM and join today! |
The Innovation and Change SIG is an optimistic, technology-agnostic place that is people-centric. We are positioned as a neutral third party space that is focused on improving the planet through better innovation and change techniques. We have strong ties to product development, technology, marketing industries. Click here for more information. |
Who should join our SIG?
| Other global SIGs (links are on the IPMA Global Site)